
In spite of my desire to take blogging seriously, I have often neglected this goal due to various reasons, including losing all my data when my website crashed. Following my decision to blog again, I would like to share what you can expect from me from December 2022 onward.

Let me begin by introducing myself. My name is DK Jonah and I am a blogger, podcaster, and brand strategist. I am often referred to as the content queen because I have helped so many people get started with digital marketing. I am a Christian creative that is passionate about empowering people to improve the way they get things done. This would serve as my personal and professional blog but all Christain content can be found on www.amplifythegospel.com

It was in 2014 when I began a practice that I’m not sure was new to most people, but it changed my life in a profound way. I chose a word for the year, which is fairly typical of most churches, but for me, it was the catalyst for my transformation.

Why did I start blogging?

When I began blogging in 2011, I was simply sharing my love for God and my interest in projects. The blog was private, and I used the code name “ebitogu,” but it led to a blog about my health in 2012. I have been living with an invisible illness for years, and no one knew what it was, which is why I started sharing my experiences. While I thought that as a Christian I was not trusting God to heal me, I was wrong. This search for truth led to the creation of Create With Words, a collaborative Christian blog that I began with my Pinky Promise Sisters. Through the project I started as a hobby in 2011, I have helped not just myself but others find their calling, pursue their passion, and serve God through their gifts in an intentional way. It was by accident that I started designing and creating content, but now it’s my full-time job. It’s Scripture that guides my actions

until the knowledge of the glory of the Lord takes over the earth as the waters cover the sea

Habakuk 2:4

Why return to blogging?

The time has come for me to do what I tell others to do as well as what I do for others. It is my nature to encourage people to strive for excellence and to thrive, and sometimes I lose sight of my own needs while doing this. In an effort to learn, share, explore, and thrive, I am returning to blogging. I want to create my own little piece of real estate online, my blog.

As a public accountability tool, I am putting this list out there so I can keep myself accountable publicly as well as privately. I have listed some of the projects I want you to hold me accountable for

  • Podcast
  • Blog Post
  • Newsletter
  • No Gra Gra Planner
  • Accountability Group
  • Journals notes pads, and much more.

The Return of the Podcast

My podcast, The introverts guide to content creation, will now be rebranded The Steadfast Creative Podcast. This podcast will provide creatives with tips and tricks on how to share their content in a consistent manner. There are many creative professionals who begin projects and then give up on them midway; how can they improve their productivity without exhaustion? What can they do to see their creativity as an asset, not as a liability? This program will begin on January 3rd, 2023.

Blog posts/ Newsletters: Weekly posts that will focus on making you more productive and teaching you to create time to create.

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amplify the gospel
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the elite social media

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