Multitasking: is it Ever Worthwhile?

The ability to multitask is one of the proudest traits of people nowadays, and they brag about the fact that they can do many things at the same time. However, I have discovered that this is not the right way to accomplish things that really matter.

Multitasking: How Does it Affect Your Productivity?

The ability to multitask is one of the proudest traits of people nowadays, and they brag about the fact that they can do many things at the same time. However, I have discovered that this is not the right way to accomplish things that really matter.

In my childhood, I was very hyperactive, constantly trying to keep up with things, and I tried to do everything at the same time. In addition, I failed to get the results I was hoping for despite putting in so much effort. I tried to read, study, and cook simultaneously. However, I didn’t find any results. I was so busy being busy, but I could not accomplish my goals. Having grown up in a military school and private university where hard work was emphasized, I realized I was a perfectionist in my late 20s. Being a perfectionist made me a chronic procrastinator because I always waited for the perfect time to get things done. But the perfect time doesn’t exist, so I had to make time to make things happen.

The first time I used the phrase Create Time To Create was in 2016.

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What does this have to do with multitasking?

Whenever someone does more than one thing at once, like editing a document or responding to an email while at a conference, they’re multitasking. In reality, multitasking came out of computing. When you do that, you’re prone to making mistakes and you have to redo the work. You may be asking yourself, what can I do if I can’t multitask? Firstly, you must accept that not everything requires your full attention. In my workbook, I classified work into three different categories based on the need for your full attention.

  • Maxi Task requires maximum attention and takes 3-6 hours to complete. DEEP WORK
  • Midi Task Requires less attention but takes 1-2 hours to complete
  • Mini Task. requires minimum attention and takes 1-30 minutes to complete

The dangers of multitasking and tips to avoid it.

Whenever we try to accomplish two things at the same time, our brain divides and conquers, devoting one-half to each task, new research suggests. The study also reveals that the brain cannot handle more than two complex, related tasks at the same time, so you should not add another mentally taxing task to your mental load.If you think you can accomplish two things at the same time, your brain will tell you otherwise. A study from the University of British Columbia shows that we cannot handle more than two complex tasks simultaneously, including reading and listening to information, or studying for an exam as well as trying to solve a problem.

Monotasking for Deep Work

What is deep ? Work It is a state of peak concentration that allows you to learn hard things and make quality work fast. It is a skill. The more you practice it, the more proficient you become. Developing deep work skills will help you to be able to learn hard things more quickly. As a result of strengthening your deep work muscles, you will be able to achieve greater concentration, as a result of which you will be able to focus on a specific task for a longer period of time and be able to keep it going for a longer period of time.

Monotasking There is a concept that is called monotasking that reminds us to focus our attention on one task at a time. Constantly switching our focus between multiple tasks may seem like something we can become good at, but it is more likely to degrade our performance on any of them than not.

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